

sábado, 23 de fevereiro de 2013

Entrega de Docs e TESTE DE INGLÊS!

Bem, aqui no Rio de Janeiro, atualmente, não tem um representante da Cultural Care. O mais próxima fica em Volta Redonda, em uma Escola de idiomas chamada Revolution.

Então, no dia 07 de Janeiro eu tive que ir até Volta Redonda para entregar a documentação do Dossiê e fazer o teste de Inglês.

Entreguei a papelada toda e fiz o teste, o que foi muito simples, pois eu já havia praticamente decorado as perguntas e respostas do teste rsrs. Fiquei com a nota  máxima no teste e acho que isso me ajudou muito a ter uma Math tão rápido! é claro que as trocentas horas de experiência com Kids devem ter contado muito também.

Não há muito o que falar sobre o teste, é estudar mesmo e mandar ver. Eu respondi a todasas perguntas do test e quando a Ana fez o teste comigo,,,eu já sabia o que responder :)

Abaixo, seguem as perguntas que são referenciadas no teste da CC:

(Copiado do grupo de Au Pairs do Facebook)

O teste da CC é oral. Ela tem as perguntas escritas e vai te perguntando. Se você conseguiu responder bem as perguntas do nível 4 (não que ela vá perguntar toooodas as perguntas, mas a maioria) ela então passa para o nível 5. Se você responder bem o nível 5, ela passa para o 6.
Obs.: Ela sempre pede para fazer a simulação de 911.

#Dica: leia as perguntas, PENSE EM COMO RESPONDER. Pesquise palavras que você pode precisar e você não sabe! Treine com um amigo ou com o seu porfessor de inglês.

Nivel 4

  • Why do you want to travel to the United States as an au pair?
  • What are you studying in school? OR What do you do in your current job?
  • What do you like most about caring for children?
  • Tell me about the interests of the children you have cared for. What did they like to do?
  • Tell me about what activities you do in your free time.
  • What ages were the children you cared for in your previous childcare experiences?
  • What types of activities do you do with the children to keep them busy?
  • What types of games would you teach your host children in the USA?
  • What type of food could you make for your host family to show them something of your country?
  • Tell me about how often and where you drive.
  • Tell me about a typical day with the children you have cared for. What did you do?
  • Tell me about how you are working to improve your English now.

Nivel 5
  • What do you plan to do when you return to (home country)?
  • What are you most looking forward to when you get to the U.S.?
  • What do you think the hardest thing about living away from home for one year will be?
  • How do you think this year will benefit your future plans?
  • What do your parents think of your plan to become an au pair?
  • In your childcare experiences, what aspect did you find to be most challenging?
  • How will you create a good relationship with your host children?
  • Tell me about the kind of relationship you hope to have with your host parents.
  • How do you react when you are feeling sad?
  • Tell me how you would calm a crying child.
  • What would you do with the children on a snowy day?

Nivel 6

  • Describe to me how to make a dish that you enjoy cooking.
  • Tell me about some of your views on raising children.
  • How would you introduce your culture to your host children?
  • What were some of your favorite games growing up? Describe the rules to me.
  • Describe to me one of the difficult situations you have had dealing with children.
  • What are some of the rewarding experiences you’ve had in working with children?
  • Pretend you are telling one of your host children about your favorite holiday tradition from your home country.
  • Tell me about how you would handle homesickness if you started to feel it in the United States.
  • Tell me about your favorite children’s movie and why you like it.
  • What is your favorite childhood memory?

Nível 7

  • Descreva uma situação de emergência em que você liga para o serviço de emergência nos EUA, por exemplo, se a casa do seu vizinho estivesse pegando fogo.
  • Se você tivesse um pequeno acidente de carro, como contaria para os seus Host Parents? Você contaria se não houvesse nenhum estrago?
  • Are you patient, calm?
  • Describe a difficult situation you have had with a kid.
  • Describe your family.
  • Describe your weakness and your strength. (Descreva uma qualidade e um defeito seu?)
  • Do you consider living with a same sex couple?
  • How is your relationship with your family?
  • Talk about activities you enjoy doing with children.
  • Talk about your childcare experience.
  • Tell me one children’s movie and what it teaches?
  • Why do you believe you are going to be a good au pair?

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